Easy Classics Feature comparison and pricing

Easy Classics Feature comparison and pricing

In the table below you can see the differences between the two Easy Classics versions.
If you want more detailed information to one of the functions, please click on Zusatzinformation

Features Comparison Table

  Documentaion Module Projects module
Supported front end languages English & German English & German
Number of vehicles allowed Unlimited Unlimited
Vehicle types cars and motorcycles cars and motorcycles
Basic vehicle data
Link media to vehicle (photos, videos etc.)
Media types supported JPG, PNG, SVG, GIF, MOV, MP3, MP4, PDF, WAV JPG, PNG, SVG, GIF, MOV, MP3, MP4, PDF, WAV
Manage media in media library
Manage documents (purchase contracts, registration papers etc.)
Manage expenses
Manage expense categories
Manage expenses in multiple currencies
Manage vehicle history (special events, ralleys, club events etc.)
Manage suppliers
Access suppliers in the CP Repository
Manage memberships in clubs or other organisations
Access clubs in the CP repository
Manage recurring service activities (oil change etc.)
Manage parts lists with grouping, blow ups, parts
Easily create parts lists scanned documents
Number of projects allowed Unlimited
Plan projects by manual grouping
Plan projects by parts list grouping
Manage storage locations (sheds, shelves, bins etc.)
Manage categories for activities, expenses and time tracking
Add parts to groups
Add parts to storage location
Document parts dismantling processes step by step
Add any media to dismantling steps
Automatically convert a dismantling process to reassembly description
Track & control expenses for groups & activities
Track & control working times for groups & activities
Automatically synchronise project expenses with vehicle expense history
Display project status on dashboard (expenses, time, total effort)
Manage your personal project diary
1 year (subscription) 29.90 EUR / year 119.90 EUR / year
3 years (one time payment)   299.00 EUR
5 years (one time payment)   379.00 EUR