Form - Clubs and Associations

Clubs and memberships


In this window you can list clubs and associations that you are a member of or that interest you.

Before entering a club or association, you can check whether we have already entered it in our database. Then you save yourself the input and can assume that the data is always up to date.

In addition to the club or association, you can also enter your membership and state your function within the club / association.


record new New record Initializes the form for adding a new record
record save Save changes Saves changes to the current record
Delete record Delete the current record and any data related to it.
Mitglieder Manage memberships Opens the membership management form to enter your membership
help Help Opens this help page
Support Opens the support form to transmit a support request


Column Name Data Type Description
Name 1 text

name of the club or society, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Name 2 text

additional name, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Address 1 text

address, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Address 2 text

additional address, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Zip text

postal code, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

City text

city, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Country dropdown

dropdown for the country, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Fon text

phone number, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Fax text

fax number, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Email text

email address, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Website Url text

website url, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Remark text

remark, read only if club is linked to the CP repository

Member Remark text

member remark for your own remarks

Memberships overview

memberships within this club or society