Form - Project Expenses

Project expenses


In this window you can enter all expenses that are project-related. No general vehicle expenses such as petrol etc. should be recorded here.

Expense category

Project expenses are synchronized with the vehicle expenses if you have specified this in the project data. How the synchronization works and what options you have is described in detail in the project data.

Project category

Unlike the expense category, which is related to vehicle costs, the project category indicates which expense group within the project this expense belongs to. Here you can choose from all the categories that you have defined as output in the project categories.


record save Save changes Saves changes to the current record
Delete record Delete the current record and any data related to it.
Ausgabekategorien verwalten Vehicle expense category Opens to form to manage vehicle expense categories
Ausgabekategorien verwalten Currencies Opens to form to manage currencies
Ausgabekategorien verwalten Suppliers Opens to form to manage suppliers
Datumauswahl über Kalender Date selection Opens a calendar to select a date
Ausgabekategorien verwalten Project categories Opens to form to manage Projektkategorien
Reports Opens the report selector form to choose a report
help Help Opens this help page
Support Opens the support form to transmit a support request


Column Name Data Type Description
ID read only the unique ID of this record
Name text expense name
Description text expense description
Expense category drop down vehicle expense category
Amount double amount of the expense in the specific currency
Supplier drop down drop down to select a supplier
Item date date date when the expenditure happened
Project category drop down drop down for a project category


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