Easy Classics Currency Management

Form - Currency Management

Easy Classics - Currency Management


In this form you can manage all the Currencies that you use.

Currencies are needed to manage expenses and costs. For example, if you want to document the expenses of your classic car, you can record the amounts and specify the currency.

The base currency is the currency in which all expenses and costs are converted. For example, if your base currency is Euro and you pay EUR 60.00 for fuel, this amount will be taken as tge expense. If, for example, you order a spare part from America and it costs 100 USD, then the exchange rate you specified will be used, e.g. 0.95 and converted to 95.00 EUR.

For all expenses, the currency and the exchange rate for the expense are saved. Any subsequent rate changes therefore have no effect on expenditure already saved.

For the base currency, the conversion rate is always 1.

You can enter as many currencies as you like. However, you can only define one currenciy as base currency.

If you subsequently change the base rate, all costs already recorded will NOT be converted! E.g. if you change the base currency from EUR to USD and an expense of 100 EUR was previously recorded, then this will now be seen as an expense of 100 USD!

An overview of all currencies can be found on the Internet.


record new New record Initializes the form for adding a new record
record save Save changes Saves changes to the current record
Delete record Delete the current record and any data related to it.
help Help Opens this help page
Support Opens the support form to transmit a support request


Column Name Data Type Description
ISO Currency Code text (3) The three-digit ISO standard currency code. An overview of all currencies can be found on the Internet
Name text Name of the currency
Is Base Currency boolean When checked, the current selected currency is used as base currency
Exchange Rate double Exchange rate towards the base currency. For the base currency the exchange rate is always 1