Easy Classics Vehicle Documents

Form - Documents

Classics vehicle documents


In this Easy Classics window you can manage all your documents that belong to your classic vehicle. Documents can be, for example, purchase contracts, vehicle registration documents and repair instructions.

You can assign each document to a document category that you can define yourself.

Digitized documents can be assigned as PDF or in an image format (JPG, PNG or GIF).


record new New record Initializes the form for adding a new record
record save Save changes Saves changes to the current record
Delete record Delete the current record and any data related to it.
help Help Opens this help page
Support Opens the support form to transmit a support request


Column Name Data Type Description
ID read only the unique ID of this document
Title text Title or name of the document
Category   A document category, that you defines earlier
Document Date   Date when the document was published
Issuing Point Text Publisher of the document