Form - Manage Project Steps

Process step editor


The management of the process steps is described here. This is the left section of the window. The process instructions are described in detail in a separate chapter.

A precise description of process documentation and the structure of processes can be found in the <Project processes> chapter.

The top hierarchy of a project process consists of steps.

Add new steps with the button record new. Then enter a name in the <step> field and press the <Enter> key to save your input. The sort number is assigned automatically.
Steps can be sorted using the and buttons Schritt nach vorne verschieben and Schritt nach hinten verschieben.


record new New record Initializes the form for adding a new record
Delete record Delete the current record and any data related to it.
Schritt nach vorne verschieben Move up Move step up
Schritt nach hinten verschieben Move down Move step down


Column Name Data Type Description
Step text Name of the step


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